Evolutionary machinery 2021

Some works from Evolutionary machinery.

A self portrait

A self portrait made of some of my old projects.

Paper flowers


Dreamseries 2017-2018

Some works from the Dreamseries exhibition.
The Dreamseries consists of watercolor collages.
“Torn landscapes. To dream is neccessary. During sleep our brains repairs them selves and goes through and maintains our bodies functions. According to some – sleep is the gateway to our unconcious minds.
Dream collection is a dive into theese fragmented worlds. An attempt to capture a cloud with my bare hands.”


Mature Nature 2013-2014

Some works from the Mature Nature exhibition.



Digital works 2011-2016


Glitch Art

Glitch Art is when you willingly create artefacts in your media files. There are many ways to create glitches and the outcome is hard to control.
The finished artwork is half made by woman and half by machine!


Made by code

Css is used when you create styling for websites – but you can also draw shapes with it. The pictures below are made with Css.