7-12 juni 2022 – StreetArtMarket @ Terminalen
Artists: Sckre27, Video.oner, Luke046_art, Bobhorrors, Bezzwalls, Tonk tribute, Ollio, Salla Vartiainen, Huge, Karinmsoderquist, Rymd, Holem, Kiss, Julia Rio?, Korallpionen, Anders Reventlof, Ninocome, Liam bononi, Herr Nilsson?, African ginger, Stfe, Anis, Vejam, Miguel.afa, Mindoner, Pencilgraff, Hagapeesy, Lupusdei_malmo, Dannyreveco, Gregmack, The Highness, Azitone, Joakim Hansen, Adrian platovsky, Abeni.jpg, Diegofustar, Valerie Rizzo, Peter Björk, Galletamaria_pinta, Q.anyas, John Beijer, Willis82, Hoplouie, Aenna031, Ligisd, Malcom jacobsson + many more

Spring Beast 2022
26-29 maj 2022 – Spring Beast @ Snösätra Hall of Fame
Spring Beast är det största graffiti/ street-art eventet i norra Europa. Under 4 dagar kommer ca. 3000 kvm av Snösätras väggar målas om av de främsta inom den urbana konstscenen i Sverige, men även av internationella artister.
Deltagande konstnärer 2022
Mind (Italien), Stfi (Chile), Anis (Chile), Vejam (Brasilien),Liam Bononi (Brasilien), Afa (Brasilien), Pencil (Sverige), Greta Abeni (Sverige), Leon (Sverige), Korallpionen (Sverige), Rash 45 (Sverige), Sagie (Sverige), Huge (Sverige), Heaps (Norge), Danny Reveco (Chile), The Highness (England), Dotsy (Omatics) (Sverige), Delicious Brain (Sverige), Azit (Danmark), Luke046 (USA/Sverige), Anders Reventlow (Danmark), Joakim Hansen (Sverige), Video Oner (Österrike), Sckre Farout (Tyskland), Hemas (Sverige), Tony-B (Sverige), C3raa (Sverige), Bezz Walls (Sverige), Emlkonst (Sverige), Karin Söderquist (Sverige), Adrian Platkovsky (Polen), Valeria Rizzo (Italien), Diego Fustar (Chile), Peter Birk (Danmark), Galleta Maria (Spanien), Anya Blom (Sverige), African Ginger (South Africa), John Beijer (Sverige), Toms (Danmark), Seor (Sverige), Roid (UK), Snö (Sverige), Hop Louie (Sverige), Ollio (Sverige), Edge (Sverige), Cheat (Sverige), Herr Nilsson (Sverige), Änna (Sverige), Kiss (Sverige), Salla Vartiainen (Sverige), Vila i Frid – Tonk (Sverige), Martin Revell (Sverige), Julia Rio (Sverige), Komendanttt (Ukraina), Björk Hjioort (Finland), Stefano Cammarota (Italien), Azukar (Chile), Vertical Artworks//Robot Muralist (Estland)

“Frimärksinspirationer” @ Enköpings Konsthall
Frimärksinspirationer is opening at Enköpings Konsthall 23/3!
Last day of the exhibition is 4/4.

Postal art @ Postmuseum Stockholm
My embroidery “Brev från svenska folket” (Letter from the swedish people) is participating in the exhibition Postal Art at Postmuseum in Gamla Stan Stockholm. The exhibition opens 30 november 2018 and continues until 5/1-2020

An article about my art in Smålandsposten
The newspaper Smålandsposten visited me in Lammhult and wrote an article about it. Among other things they mention my participation in the upcoming Artworks4change auction. The money from the auction will go to Plan Sverige and their work against female genital mutilation.

Embroidery exhibition at Postmuseum Stockholm
I´m participating in the embroidery exhibition at Postmuseum here in Stockholm! I´ve made a stamp of Linnea Claeson who is a swedish handball player and womens rights activist. She is behind the instagram account #assholesonline where she exposes people who sends her sexistic messages.
The exhibitions opens 5 may and all our stamps are on display until 13 january 2019

Glasscards on Gallery Sjöhästen
My glasscards will be visiting Gallery Sjöhästen during Suomiarts exhibition 28/4-12/5!

Transit Art Project on the news
The opening went well and a lot of people showed up even though it rained cats and dogs.
Today the finnish news on SVT talked about the exhibition! In the clip I talk about identity and my works.

Transit Art Project
This saturday Transit Art Project has a opening at Väsby Konsthall. I will be participating in the exhibition with 4 of my works. The theme of the exhibition is transit. A journey from one place to another and the space inbetween. The participants are 3 swedish-finnish artists and 3 artists living in finland with origins from the russian border.
The show opens 12.00 on saturday Professor Pekka Suutari from University of eastern Finland will open the exhibition at 13.00.
The exhibition is on display until 10/12. Welcome!
More info (in swedish and finnish) http://transitartproject.se/